Friday, August 10, 2012

Spiders and Crying

If you didn't know this about me, here goes, I am terriblly arachnophobic.  Yesterday the most giant spider I have yet to see on or near our house appeared outside the kitchen window, we did not kill it.  I went to sleep terrified that spiders were going to find their way into our house and kill us all.  Spiders, to me, tend to take on movie, cereal death killer-like qualities and can do amazing things like think and stare and terrify you on purpose.  Needless to say I had a sleepless night.  Then my son woke up, S is teething, and he has a cold, and he says no words only gets very very frustrated! By the time we hit breakfast his crying was getting to me pretty bad.  After lunch I could not handle much more.  I put S in his crib for 5 minutes, went to the bathroom and went to see if my bible could help me out, using my Child Trainning Bible (I'll post on this amazing thing later, for now google it!) and looked up Impatience. This was the first verse I turned to:
                   Be Still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.
                                                                                               Psalm 37:7

I held S for the next few minutes just repeating those words over and over to us.  The spiders are still out there and S still had a really hard day, but I was pretty ok with it.  As the book "Unglued" says, I think I made excellent "imperfect progress."


  1. Andrea, I was being a total Facebook stalker and found your blog through a conversation with someone else (see what I mean? total stalker). This post has been encouraging for me today. I, too, get really caught up by irrational fears and bad days. I want this verse to be a good reminder for me to stop, just stop, and put it before God. Thanks, and I am looking forward to getting to read your thoughts!

  2. I am so glad you found me Shelby!! i just found your blog today as well!! I love "stalking" people on Facebook!
