Saturday, August 17, 2013

So Many Books, So little time!

I have about 6 books I am reading right now! Every nap time and after bedtime, I spend half of my free time trying to decide what book to pick up.  How does one choose between them? Should you immerse yourself in a fantasy land on this rainy Saturday afternoon or calmly learn about life as a Bendictine nun? Perhaps a history lesson is best for today, "Last Call," a book on the history of Prohibition.  I have learned so much about history from this book and the PBS documentary on the same subject. What a disaster for our country and yet what an amazing opportunity to learn about the function of government in the United States, the lessons from this period of history are absolutely endless!
I ended up reading Psalm 146 and writing, if reading is number 1 then writing is number 2! I'm wondering today about life after being a stay at home mom.  I have a degree in history and yet never have had a job in that field, I went to school for 4 years so that I could spend all my time reading! Now that I am an adult I am wishing I worked a little harder at making a career for myself.  Reading "A Cloister Walk" is Not helping this desire.  Kathleen Norris spends her time as a poet reading and writing in a convent, would that I could get paid for this, but I have not honed my writing skills.  Hopefully the saying "Never to late to start..." goes for starting a career after 30 with no experience.

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